Just for Fun….
Fellow blogger Kiwi.writer posted an interesting fact, one which has fascinated me for many years. In the English language, there are no true rhymes for the words month, orange, silver, and purple. In a (to me) humourous attempt to “debunk” this assertion, I wrote the following poem.
I was walking in the twilight last month,
When the moon was shining silver,
And I saw him all at wunth
A man had come to pilver
From my precious trees an orange.
And the light around was purple
As I hove a silver porringe
And he gave a sort of “burple”
As he fell to the turf.
He’s buried in the trees there
Where you hear the roaring surf,
And the oranges you may see there
Are ruby red and sweet —
I’ve got myself a “blood-orange”
From the thief’s corrupting meat.
Ah well, I tried. And it was a fun exercise, even if it was a bit silly. But the fact is, as Kiwi stated, that there are no true rhymes in the English language to the words month, silver, purple, and orange. So all y’all poets should remember to avoid placing these words at the end of a rhyming poem. Or you will drive yourselves mad.
Well editormum, I enjoyed reading your poem when you posted it in my comments and I have enjoyed reading it again here. (Still love that word burple). Nice to see that you are trying out someone else’s ‘blog seeds’!
Ah … you found my secret! Blogit is the ultimate “Blog Seed” factory, and my small offerings are but a pebble on the mountain of material available here. I have shamelessly made use of ideas sparked by others, though I do try to give credit to the person who gave me the seed.
that was a fun poem!
That gave me a chuckle!
LOL great poem, I knew about Orange, but not Month & Silver.